Er, Hola Nausea

I’m a bad blogger lately – what is it? February blah, maybe. And that first trimester endlessness – okay, I know I shouldn’t complain. We are really so grateful for a healthy Bean. But the queasiness! The headaches! Uno is literally sick all day, every day, and has a raging headache each night. She wraps herself in a blanket on the couch and tries her best to eat dinner. We had a few days that seemed better, then suddenly it was back with a vengeance. Sometimes it seems like a blood sugar thing, other times maybe hydration, but even when we tackle both issues via a steady stream of fruit juice, snacks, and plain old H20, the illness persists. Come on, 2nd trimester, we can’t wait for you.

Until we realize that means, gulp, the second trimester. Where does the time go? Are we supposed to, uh, purchase a bassinet?

Our second midwife appointment is on Friday, and though we prob. won’t have an ultrasound, we’ll hear the heartbeat again. I live for a little Bean heartbeat. The P.enny S.imkin book we’ve been reading lists “fascination with the fetal heartbeat” as a common “father/partner symptom” during the 1st trimester. Check. I find all the “expectant father” stuff downright hilarious. And I should blog about it. I should also be a better blog friend. Come on, Deux, shake off February. Shake it off.

2 thoughts on “Er, Hola Nausea

  1. Poor Uno – I’m sorry you guys are having a difficult first trimester. Hopefully the second tri will bring an easier road. Meantime, how exciting that you’re getting closer to buying bassinets!

  2. I’m right there with you sister, bleh.

    Poor Uno, I know how she feels but not to the same degree. I really feel for her and for you too and the temporary loss of your wife. Poor Cat, she never sees me awake or feeling well anymore!

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